As a speaker having presented to hundreds of thousands of people over the past 20+ years, there have been lots of learnings.
Some of the best lessons have been around how to build influence and leverage speaking events to make a bigger difference in the world.
These speaker lessons have quickly become part of the systems and processes that we use at Raise a Dream.
I recently did a Facebook LIVE on this very topic. You can watch it here!
Below, you'll find nine helpful ways that Raise a Dream systematizes the events we speak at...
Speaker Strategies: How to Keep Event Momentum and Impact Going After It Ends
Use the questions you are asked (in your presentation, during sidebar conversations, or while you are at your booth) to create content for your:
Facebook Lives
Articles on LinkedIn or for your website
To build products around
To include in future presentations
In your event and presentation marketing materials
Post-event emails
Social media (memes and social posts)
Ask the organizer for a testimonial/recommendation on your LinkedIn. You can then also use the recommendation in future event promotion and on your website or in call for speaker submissions for other events.
If you loved the event and the organizer/team did a great job, provide them a recommendation on LinkedIn and social media.
Help the organizer promote their next event on social media. A shout out from you having just been there can help the organizer a great deal, and you will stand out as a supportive speaker who is great to work with! Word travels quickly in the event planning world.
As the organizers and audience share photos and videos about the event, make sure you engage by liking the posts, thanking the organizers/audience and photographer, commenting on posts, and tagging people you know in the photo.
Follow up with everyone you met. Ensure you get connected with them on LinkedIn and other social platforms. Follow up with a call or send the information you promised to send.
Send a handwritten thank you card to the organizer.
Share the photos you took on social media and tag the organizer, sponsors, and other speakers.
Thank the event sponsors on social media. The event organizer will appreciate the support from the speakers and audience in recognizing the sponsors and exhibitors.
Create systems for your speaking business; this will go a long way in helping you stand out to event planners, build deeper relationships with the audience and sponsors, and help you build your speaking business with ease and success!