Wins & Celebrations: Pat Duckworth, Laura Lane & Heidi Smith

Wins & Celebrations: Pat Duckworth, Laura Lane & Heidi Smith

Wins & Celebrations: Pat Duckworth, Laura Lane & Heidi Smith

Have you ever found that inspiration is sometimes like a domino effect? Someone’s actions inspire you and then, like dominoes, you inspire others with your actions… and so on and so on. At Raise a Dream, we love sharing (and hope you enjoy seeing) other people’s projects, the dreams they are raising, and their celebrations and good news. The projects that our Raise a Dream clients and community are bringing to life make such a difference.

We put a call out to our Raise a Dream community to provide us with an update on or a combination of:

  • A success or something they are celebrating
  • Their most helpful tip or action strategy from one of our Raise a Dream trainings (and how this  impacted their results or made a difference)
As you read, you will see the many ways that raising dreams, collaborating with others, and bringing projects to life can make a difference.  I am so inspired by the many lives touched and impacted through these projects.
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Wins & Celebrations: Lorna Blake, Candace Plattor & Christine Powers

Wins & Celebrations: Lorna Blake, Candace Plattor & Christine Powers

Wins & Celebrations: Lorna Blake, Candace Plattor & Christine Powers

Inspiration seeds more inspiration. Have you found that when you learn about people bringing their projects to life, it often inspires you to step into action on your goals and projects? We are excited in this blog (and future articles) to present a client spotlight featuring some of our many Raise a Dream community and client wins. 

We asked clients from our community to share one or a combination of:

  • A win or something they are celebrating

  • Their favourite tip or action strategy from one of our trainings (and how it impacted their results)

Take a read. See the many ways that bringing projects to life can make a difference and, when you combine these wins, look at the many lives touched and impacted.

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7 In-Person Event Trends for Sponsorship, Speakers & Industry Sectors

7 In-Person Event Trends for Sponsorship, Speakers & Industry Sectors

7 In-Person Event Trends for Sponsorship, Speakers & Industry Sectors
In-person events are coming back; event planners are working with speakers, sponsors, and industry sector leaders to plan conferences, trade shows, and other types of events. Below are some of the in-person event trends and tips to keep in mind if you want to tap into live events and optimize your collaborations. For example, if you are a speaker, you will be well served to follow the trade associations for the sectors you speak or consult for.

In-Person Event Trends

These in-person event strategies can help you optimize your approach.
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Jessie Sutherland: Raising Dreams & Building Belonging

Jessie Sutherland: Raising Dreams & Building Belonging

Jessie Sutherland: Raising Dreams & Building Belonging

Making an impact, working in collaboration with marginalized individuals and groups, and creating a culture of belonging is the work that Jessie Sutherland, Director of Intercultural Strategies and one of Raise a Dream’s community members, has done passionately for many years. It is with tremendous joy that we acknowledge Jessie for being a recipient of the prestigious BC Achievement Foundation 2023 Community Award

About the Award:

The Community Award program celebrates British Columbians who go above and beyond in their dedication and service to others. It honours individuals who devote their time and energy to making their communities more caring, dynamic, beautiful, resilient and inclusive.

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Do You Treat Your Book Like a Business?

Do You Treat Your Book Like a Business?

Do You Treat Your Book Like a Business?

Authors put so much time, energy and resources into writing their book that, often, they’re not ready for the next phase of hard work with the marketing and selling of the book. As an 11x best-selling author, I know first hand how much effort goes into bringing a book to life and keeping sales alive on a regular basis. Your writing will reach more readers when you treat your book like a business. With that in mind, your book needs a business plan to ensure its ongoing success.

When you think about your book as a business, you will find you are more creative and more focused in your marketing and sales strategies. 

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1 5 Sponsor Recognition Mistakes to Avoid

5 Sponsor Recognition Mistakes to Avoid

5 Sponsor Recognition Mistakes to Avoid
The relationship with a sponsor is an important one. Making these avoidable sponsor recognition mistakes can damage relationships and reduce the chances of future sponsorship support with corporate sponsors and business brands.  

Avoid These Sponsor Recognition Mistakes:

Sponsor-seekers, here are a few mistakes to avoid...

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