Tag Archives for " collaboration and social good "

Collaboration Through Matching Funds Campaigns

Collaboration Through Matching Funds Campaigns

Collaboration Through Matching Funds Campaigns
More and more, we are seeing businesses, philanthropists and funders collaborating on matching funds campaigns and impact investing.

Recently we read an article about an Ottawa-based philanthropist who created a matching fund campaign during the holiday season to raise much needed donations and funds for local nonprofit organizations and charities.

According to the article, Gary put out a challenge for businesses to match his contribution. The $100,000 he contributed quickly increased to $400,000 through the matching challenge he created.

You can read more about this campaign here.
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Yin and Yang: The Essential Balance in Modern Business

Yin and Yang: The Essential Balance in Modern Business

Yin and Yang: The Essential Balance in Modern Business

Yin and yang, masculine and feminine, whatever you want to call it... men and women bring very different energy to relationships. 

Why is this relevant to your business? I’ll tell you.

No matter what business you are in, a successful business is built on relationships. Your ability to understand your own balance of feminine and masculine energy, as well as the balance of others, will directly affect how and with whom you do business.

Let’s be clear that when we talk about the masculine and feminine energy, we are talking about just that—energy. Men and women each possess both masculine and feminine energies and qualities.

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Collaboration for Social Good: How Collaboration Can Build a Business and Influence Global Change


​Life as an entrepreneur can be lonely at times. It doesn’t have to be that way!

When you collaborate, build powerful business relationships, and expand your community influence, opportunities to make a difference (and get paid) doing what you love will show up.

At Raise a Dream, we always say, "It takes a team to raise a dream." Collaboration and partnering in business and community projects is one important key to success and are great ways for entrepreneurs to expand and grow their influence and increase their profile and their profits.

Charmaine has had the pleasure of speaking for many Rotary Clubs across North America, including Burnaby and New Westminster, BC. Speaking at Rotary Clubs is part of the Raise a Dream’s community and collaboration building strategy.  

Rotary International and their global chapters are great examples of what collaboration and partnering towards social good looks like in action. In fact, Rotary unites more than one million people around the world. The Rotary International website states, "Rotary is where neighbors, friends, and problem-solvers share ideas, join leaders, and take action to create lasting change."  What a wonderful mission.

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