Raise a Dream - Media & Publications
Raise a Dream - Media Information

Media Information

Want to book Raise a Dream for your next show or event?

If you’re a reporter on deadline and need immediate access to our team, please contact Charmaine Hammond at 780-405-7463 (cell).

Sharing the Message of Raising Dreams through Collaboration and Sponsorship

Raise a Dream loves working with media to bring rich content, helpful information, and case studies to viewing/listening audiences and readers.  We have been featured on national TV and radio shows, magazines, podcasts, and online shows.  Below you'll find a chart of some of Charmaine Hammond's media appearances (for both Raise a Dream and Hammond International).

Charmaine's extensive TV, radio, and print media coverage includes topics on:

  • Collaboration
  • Sponsorship
  • Raising dreams and launching projects
  • Building a thriving business
  • Entrepreneurship skills
  • And more...
Charmaine Hammond - professional speaking & keynotes

Speaker & Media Kit

We've made it easy for you to feature Charmaine Hammond as a speaker at your event or on your show. Access our online resource kit!
