Dream Raiser Fatigue
Raising dreams takes a team. Whether it is planning an event; launching a project or product; or finding right-fit partners, champions, or sponsors… your efforts require collaboration, and sometimes a lot of it. We meet many entrepreneurs and nonprofit organizations who actually have developed dream raiser fatigue!
Dream raiser fatigue... Is that a thing?
...YES, according to many nonprofits, community organizations, and entrepreneurs. They have shared that the past couple of years have created challenges with volunteerism, fundraising, and donor relationships. The pivoting and steps needed to raise big dreams and projects have consumed people’s time and energy.
Dream raiser fatigue... Is that a thing?
...YES, according to many nonprofits, community organizations, and entrepreneurs. They have shared that the past couple of years have created challenges with volunteerism, fundraising, and donor relationships. The pivoting and steps needed to raise big dreams and projects have consumed people’s time and energy.