Tag Archives for " sponsorship mistakes "

3 Sponsorship Mistakes Sponsor Seekers Make and How to Avoid Them

3 Sponsorship Mistakes Sponsor Seekers Make and How to Avoid Them

3 Sponsorship Mistakes Sponsor Seekers Make and How to Avoid Them

In 2020, we had numerous opportunities to speak with sponsors from local, regional, and national businesses and brands. This online and virtual world we are living in with cancelled live events and the need to do business differently has also impacted sponsors and their ability to market their brands in ways they are accustomed to. 

We heard both challenges and opportunities in these conversations with sponsors. Besides getting to learn about the brands on a much deeper level and build relationships with them, we also were able to hear about some of the common sponsorship mistakes they see sponsor seekers making.

We thought this insider information and the useful insights below could be of benefit to you as you move forward with raising your dreams through collaboration and sponsorship. 

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Are You Setting Yourself Up for a Sponsorship NO? (Part 3)


To build a healthy relationship with a sponsor, you have to take the time to get to know that sponsor… what motivates their brand, what language do they typically use, what audience do they seek.

Just making an ask without knowing what you propose is the right fit for a sponsor can easily result in a NO.

It’s easy to make mistakes like this, but thankfully it’s also easy to AVOID such mistakes.

That's why we've created a 3-part sponsorship educational series addressing 3 easy-to-avoid mistakes (and their solutions).

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Are You Setting Yourself Up for a Sponsorship NO? (Part 2)


There’s a right way and a wrong way to build relationships with sponsors so that you can find funding and support for your dream project.

Creating sponsorship marketing relationships is often a new, unexplored avenue for speakers, authors, event hosts, and entrepreneurs, so it’s no surprise that in this unknown territory, costly mistakes are made.

When mistakes happen, unfortunately the answer is often a NO from sponsors.

Knowing how to avoid such mistakes is crucial, so we've created a 3-part sponsorship educational series addressing 3 easy-to-avoid mistakes (and their solutions).

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Are You Setting Yourself Up for a Sponsorship NO? (Part 1)


If having sponsors, getting your project funded through sponsorship support, and building marketing relationships with businesses is on your priority list (which it should be), it’s important to know what causes sponsors to decline potential marketing relationships.

At Raise a Dream, we have interviewed a number of brands and sponsors to explore what helps them (and also what hurts the people seeking sponsorship). Through these valuable conversations, we were able to boil the insightful feedback of sponsorship decision-makers into the 3 common reasons sponsors often say NO.

Every day, we see speakers, authors, event hosts, and entrepreneurs making costly mistakes that will cause sponsors to say NO to their (and potentially your) amazing offerings. Knowing how to avoid these mistakes is such an important topic, we have turned this into a 3-part sponsorship educational series so that each mistake (and its solutions) gets the attention it deserves.

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