Speaker One-Sheets Are Still a Thing

Speaker One-Sheets Are Still a Thing
As a professional speaker having presented to more than ½ million people around the globe, I can safely say I have tried many different speaker strategies and marketing approaches. One marketing tool I continue to use are my speaker one-sheets.


A speaker one-sheet is a quick glance summary of my expertise, topics, and information that professional event planners and conference organizers can refer to in their search for right-fit speakers for their events.


Examples of Charmaine Hammond’s Speaker One-Sheets:

How Do You Make Your Speaker One-Sheet Stand Out?

Event planners are often overwhelmed with the number of pitches they receive, speaker submission forms that come through their emails, and the number of speakers whose content may be a fit for an event theme. It’s tough to get more speaking gigs when there is so much competition.

Below are my tips for speakers to help design your documents and get them into the right hands for event decision-makers:
  • Ensure that your speaker one-sheet is updated and is the same one that is on your website.
  • Have a professionally designed one-sheet. You can create great looking designs on platforms like Canva or VistaCreate. The goal is to ensure your final PDF doesn’t look like a simple Microsoft Word document.
  • Include contact information and, if you like, you can add your social media links. The event planner is likely going to look at your social media platforms in addition to your website. I provide my website and then the event planner can access social media links from the webpage.
  • Event planners will often go to LinkedIn to look at the recommendations you have on there.  Ensure you have at least 15 recommendations. Need an example? Check out my LinkedIn.
  • Keep track of who you send your speaker one-sheet to so that you can follow up.
  • Build relationships with event planners to whom you send your speaker one-sheet so you are remembered and are top of mind.
  • Take note of the common questions that event planners ask you (for example: Can your programs be delivered online and in person? Do you customize content? How do you handle audience Q&A?) These FAQs could also be added to your one-sheet or available as a second document.
  • Ensure that any speaker platforms you are on such as eSpeakers or Speaker Hub have your updated speaker one-sheet and that your content on the platform is updated and congruent with your one-sheet.
  • Calendar yourself time (4 times yearly) to review and update your one-sheet.