Mentoring & Consulting

Collaboration, Business & Sponsorship

If you want to learn how to collaborate and get sponsored, this is your chance to tap into the unparalleled experience and guidance of Charmaine Hammond, a leading entrepreneur in the collaboration and sponsorship industry.

You will benefit from her 25+ experience working with collaboration partners, businesses, and brands. Her experience and knowledge will help you avoid the common mistakes so you can focus on the right steps to quickly build success!

Raising Dreams is NOT a Solo Act

It's tough to raise a dream and bring projects to life by yourself. Of course, you can launch your project on your own through trial and error, and that's a great learning experience; however, the results may not reach your expectations about impact. But with collaboration and sponsorship, you can make a bigger difference, tap into other people’s audiences (OPA), and generate more revenue.

The challenge is that most entrepreneurs, speakers, authors and nonprofits don’t know the correct steps to take or the mistakes to avoid. Sometimes there are no second chances if you make the wrong impression or don't take the right approach with a key corporate brand.

The great news is that collaboration and sponsorship involve foundational skills you can learn, and better yet, skills you can repeat and implement over and over again for any project you want to bring to life.

Mentoring & Consulting - Collaboration, Business & Sponsorship

Tap Into Charmaine’s Ideas to Build Your Strategy

If you have an idea of your dream partners or sponsors, Charmaine will show you her strategy to find the right contact, how to reach out, and what to say during your conversation(s) with prospective sponsors.

Hop on a sponsorship strategy call with Charmaine Hammond and get a clear path to your next best actions.




  • Receive our Sponsorship Essentials 45-minute training video teaching you the fundamentals of our 7-step sponsorship model so that you come to the call prepared.
  • Attend a 60-minute online strategy call with Charmaine Hammond (date and time to be arranged once you've watched Sponsorship Essentials) where you can "pick her brain" on any subject related to sponsorship, speaking, or collaboration.
  • Download a recording of the call so you can review any time.
  • Move forward confidently with suggested resources and action steps you'll receive by email following the call.
  • Access our private Facebook Insiders group where you'll continue to receive valuable support, resources, and connections. 

payment plan available


Have Charmaine Hammond take a “deep dive” with you and your business for 3 months to support you with sponsorship, branding, and more (spots are limited).




  • Receive everything included in the Power Hour 3-Pack package PLUS...
  • With mentoring, you'll receive four 60-minute calls per month over 3 months (16 calls in total) with Charmaine (dates and times to be arranged once you've watched Sponsorship Essentials). All calls will be recorded and you'll receive follow-up support and nudges when you need them. At the mentoring level, you can invite your colleagues and team members to the calls.
  • Extend your circle of influence and connections through our network as needed (e.g. connections to media and speaking opportunities, recommended contractors and service providers, introductions to potential clients and strategic partnerships).
  • Receive intense personal support between calls, including reviews and feedback on the actions and documents you’re working on (e.g. sponsorship website copy, social media channel reviews, sponsor information docs, press releases, letters to sponsors, etc.).
  • Access effective sample copy and documents to use towards creation of your own sponsorship documents and needs.
  • Access a shared Google Drive where we upload resources and tracking documents so that we can review your updates and progress.  

What Clients Say About Working With Charmaine

…soooo much value…

Wow! One hour on the strategy call with Charmaine netted potential sponsorships with companies I love. There was never pressure to sign up to a longer program, but after soooo much value I can't wait to learn more. I trust Charmaine.

Lea Brovedani

Speaker, Trainer & Coach

…Charmaine literally blew my mind…

Doing a strategy call with Charmaine literally blew my mind with all the potential ways I could maximize relationships with corporate sponsors. Charmaine is very caring, enthusiastic, creative, and incredibly resourceful. She gave me phenomenal advice on how to approach sponsors, establish relationships, being really specific with my asks, and how our relationship can benefit both of us. I highly recommend Charmaine if you want to know how to develop effective, long-term relationships with sponsors.

Dr. Elaine Leung

Sea Smart Founder

Charmaine is a treasure trove of ideas, advice and resources.

The best thing I did to reach my fundraising goals was having Charmaine Hammond in my back pocket. Brainstorming sessions during our coaching calls have given me enough ideas to work on for the next 2 years! Charmaine is a treasure trove of ideas, advice and resources. I have attended the Raise A Dream workshops multiple times and jumped on any chance I could to hear her speak just so I can be reminded of the resources and avenues out there to secure funding. As a result of all of Charmaine’s help, I was able to secure $16,000 in sponsorship and grants in my first year alone.

Laura Lane

Author, Speaker & Courage Coach

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

From landing media interviews, in-kind sponsorship, cash sponsorship, finding and building relationships with collaborations with influencers, discounts through partnering, and developing new business systems and processes/templates that save you tons of time and thousands of dollars, I’ve seen the short and long-term wins our Raise a Dream clients achieve with my approach to sponsorship and collaboration, so I know this method works. That said, it’s your serious and consistently applied effort that will achieve the results you desire, so this Raise a Dream mentoring includes the following 100% satisfaction guarantee.

If you fully participate in and apply my Power Hour mentoring strategies by attending the private call(s), taking suggested action, and asking questions in our Insiders' Group or to me directly, I KNOW this approach will help launch your dream or project in a positive way.

If you have done this and you don’t feel that you received tremendous value from your investment, that you don’t see how partnership, collaboration, and sponsorship can empower your project, then let us know within 30 days. Collaboration is central to our approach. I will first work with you, investing additional coaching time at no cost to you to help you overcome any potential obstacles that may be hindering your success. If you apply the additional coaching strategies and you STILL feel you have not achieved the results you desire, then you will receive a complete refund of your investment (and any resources are yours to keep).


My purpose is to help you raise your dream, and if you’re willing to build relationships using the methods I stand behind, I am 100% confident you will reach the new heights you seek.

More Feedback on What It’s Like Working With Charmaine

…see your business, projects, or events in a whole new light.

Charmaine Hammond is a heart-centered businesswoman who seamlessly thinks outside the box and captures ideas from the realm of possibilities. In an amazing strategy session, Charmaine offered her expertise in a way that ignited my enthusiasm for finding more speaking engagements and developing unique ways to think about sponsors and sponsorship. She generously shared stories and strategies as to how she herself and her clients were able to build relationships with business owners and entrepreneurs that led to the sponsorships of everything from a speaking series to a book tour!

Charmaine is truly gifted in the area of sponsorship! Her engaging, open coaching style welcomes you into her world of "What if?" and invites you to see your business, projects, or events in a whole new light. Connect with Charmaine to help you transform your dream into a reality!

Darcy Davis-Beghein


…I’m thrilled to have found [Charmaine] as a mentor.

One short strategy call with Charmaine sparked one long list of ideas, options, and insights that I could easily and quickly implement in my business. She has a unique gift of seeing opportunities and connections that enhances the success of her clients. Charmaine’s kindness, knowledge, and desire to support people to realize their dreams is extraordinary, and I’m thrilled to have found her as a mentor.

Carla White

Speaker, Author & Mentor

I strongly recommend [Charmaine] to any author or aspiring author.

I met Charmaine through the Women Speakers Association. She provided a vast amount of the most excellent training on how to turn our book into a business while I was working on the book, Voices of the 21st Century.

Earlier this month, I published a second book and reached out to her to see how I might work with her again. She spent just one hour and I can't tell you how much information I learned. I will surely work with her again. I strongly recommend her to any author or aspiring author.

Irma Parone

ODCP, Consultant, Best-Selling Author & Speaker