Tag Archives for " marketing strategy for authors "

1 National Author's Day: 5 Opportunities to Promote Your Book

National Author's Day: 5 Opportunities to Promote Your Book

National Author's Day: 5 Opportunities to Promote Your Book

National Author’s Day is coming up November 1st. It’s often a day when people discuss or reach out to their favourite writers, buzz about the books they reread again and again or that made a difference, and share love for the way that authors and writing can connect us to one another and incredible stories. This is a great day for you as an author to think about book marketing and ways you can attach your book to this annual observance.

5 Ways to Optimize National Author’s Day Promotions:

If you're an author (or soon-to-be-published writer), here are 5 easy ways to tie your book to this annual event.

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17 Savvy Strategies to Sell More Books at Book Signings

17 Savvy Strategies to Sell More Books at Book Signings

I’ve been there. The bookstore book signing is so quiet you can hear a pin drop. This does not feel good for the author or for the bookstore. 

So how do you make sure your book signing events are busy, engaging people, and selling lots of books?

Collaborate on Pre-Event Book Signing Marketing

Ensure you meet or talk with the bookstore or book event host to plan out a shared marketing campaign.

Typically bookstores do little to promote the signings; however, here are the things that bookstores (Chapters, Coles, and independent stores) have done in the past to promote book signings when efforts to collaborate result in a coordinated plan ahead of time:

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