Tag Archives for " speaker strategies "

Speaker One-Sheets Are Still a Thing

Speaker One-Sheets Are Still a Thing

Speaker One-Sheets Are Still a Thing
As a professional speaker having presented to more than ½ million people around the globe, I can safely say I have tried many different speaker strategies and marketing approaches. One marketing tool I continue to use are my speaker one-sheets.


A speaker one-sheet is a quick glance summary of my expertise, topics, and information that professional event planners and conference organizers can refer to in their search for right-fit speakers for their events.
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9 Ways to Nourish the Impact of Your Speaking Events and Get Noticed

9 Ways to Nourish the Impact of Your Speaking Events and Get Noticed

9 Ways to Nourish the Impact of Your Speaking Events and Get Noticed

As a speaker having presented to hundreds of thousands of people over the past 20+ years, there have been lots of learnings.

Some of the best lessons have been around how to build influence and leverage speaking events to make a bigger difference in the world.

These speaker lessons have quickly become part of the systems and processes that we use at Raise a Dream.

I recently did a Facebook LIVE on this very topic. You can watch it here!

Below, you'll find nine helpful ways that Raise a Dream systematizes the events we speak at...

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