5 Sponsor Recognition Mistakes to Avoid
Avoid These Sponsor Recognition Mistakes:
Sponsor-seekers, here are a few mistakes to avoid...
Sponsor-seekers, here are a few mistakes to avoid...
We thought it would be great to gather some tips from our Raise a Dream community about thanking, appreciating, and recognizing partners throughout the holiday season.
These twelve tips can be modified and utilized throughout the year to recognize partners, champions, and sponsors.
Have a holiday gift card delivered to the business office. Think of fun ways to package the card. Personalize and perhaps put in a frame so that people keep the card.
Thank you is one of the important steps in our Raise a Dream 7-step model (you can download the model, which is included in the free ebook on our home page).
Recognizing the support of your sponsors and their contribution and involvement in your big dream, project, event, etc. is not an obligation; it’s an opportunity when done the right way.
And saying “thank you” doesn't just happen after something is complete. You can recognize your sponsor in many ways, at many points of time throughout your project.
Below, you’ll find a valuable list of over 20 ideas for thanking sponsors that I shared on a recent Raise a Dream Facebook Live (you can watch here).