Recently, I was speaking at a writer's mastermind group. The topic was how to bring your project to life and build your community. We were focused on books and author communities, but the strategies apply to any entrepreneur, film maker, or media creator with a project and a message for the world.
Funding your projects, raising dreams and bringing plans into reality are big topics to cover, but it really got me thinking about some of the key activities that have helped me bring my books and our Back Home Again movie to life. And, of course, the strategies were rooted in relationships and collaboration.
In this article, you’ll find a few of the project strategies I shared. You can apply these strategies to your books, projects, launches of books and your other programs.
1) Know your business revenue streams.
When you know your different revenue streams (e.g. book sales, product sales, coaching, speaking, webinars, etc), then you can more easily determine where to fit your new project in. Also, think about wrap-around products or opportunities.
For example: If you have a book or book launch, what wrap-around products or services could you create to contain and/or showcase the message of your book. You can look for ways to tie items such as journals, workbooks, cards, swag, art, books in other formats, webinars, presentations, etc. to your focus project.
And while we’re talking about different business revenue streams, ensure you are allocating time to market each of your different revenue streams.
If you need ideas on this, check out the masterclass that I did with screenwriter/director Michael Mankowski. You can download the recording, transcript, bonus items and more.
2) Consider how collaboration can help you bring the project to life.
Here are just a few examples of how collaboration can support a project like a book launch.
Collaboration can help your book hit best-seller lists. When you have a solid marketing strategy and a whole community of people sharing your book promotions on launch day and directing people to your Amazon link, there is a good likelihood that you could end up on some best-seller lists.
Working collaboratively with others can be a means of selling your books in bulk to a sponsor who then donates the books to their favorite charities.
Collaboration can also help your videos go viral. When you have a community helping you share your message (with their audience) you expand your author platform and impact more people.
Where could collaboration help you bring your projects to life?
3) Schedule small action steps into your day.
Schedule 15 minutes a day to put these different actions into motion. Track what works, what catches on and what brings results and do more of this.
4) Learn from others.
Observe how others are collaborating in support of their launches and bringing their project to life. Have an IDEA file in your computer where you jot these down. You never know when you will need them.
5) Have fun!
"When it's fun, it's more likely to get done!" (C Hammond)
Remember to check out the Bring Your Project to Life Masterclass. Michael and I share many tips and strategies that can help you increase your income, influence and make a bigger impact.