Collaborating To Help Parents Of Children With Cancer: Laura Lane

I love sharing Laura Lane’s story, especially in September, which is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Laura has a beautiful and powerful dream she is raising, and collaboration and sponsorship are helping her fuel the dream and make a bigger impact. Laura has been collaborating to help parents of children with cancer through a special planner called Stronger Daily Planner for Cancer Moms. Based on her experience as a parent of a child with cancer, she wanted to help other parents navigate this incredibly stressful, overwhelming, and emotional journey. This planner helps parents do this.
The Stronger Daily Planner for Cancer Moms is a daily / weekly / monthly tracker for all things childhood cancer related. It includes a recommended resource section, helpful tips from other cancer moms, and inspirational quotes. Please check it out HERE; it’s a great way to show your support during National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.