Tag Archives for " partnerships "

1 5 Ways to Maximize Your Event Marketing

5 Ways to Maximize Your Event Marketing

5 Ways to Maximize Your Event Marketing

Getting your sponsors and speakers engaged in event marketing can take your online and in-person events to new levels of success.

We created a specific event marketing document and guide to help partners, exhibitors, sponsors, and speakers promote a conference I was part of planning. (We’ve also created a similar document for one of our client’s events.)

Below you’ll find helpful ideas you can include in these marketing guide documents for your partners to help maximize the reach and impact of your next online or in-person event.

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I Feel Like I Need to Build A Team But Have No Budget

I Feel Like I Need to Build A Team But Have No Budget

I Feel Like I Need to Build A Team But Have No Budget

Let’s face it... raising dreams and building a business can be tough and isolating, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Raising big dreams like the ones you have takes a team. But who says you need a huge budget to build a team?

5 Collaborative Ways to Build Teams Without a Budget

Below are a few ways that we have built teams to raise dreams without a budget (or while the funds are being generated to pay a team).

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Kindness Inspired Corporate Sponsorship Dollars

kindness ripples - corporate sponsorship dollars

​Stacy Lewis, pro golfer, recently won her first tournament since 2014. Prior to the tournament, she pledged that she would give her prize money to those affected by Hurricane Harvey in Houston, and true to her word she donated the winnings of $195,000.

Her generosity inspired a ripple effect, one that we often see in sponsorship. Her two biggest sponsors stepped up to the mound to support the hurricane relief efforts and victims. KPMG matched Stacy’s donation and Marathon Oil supported this by offering an additional million dollars. This was a great example of the power of collaboration mixed with sponsorship to support an important cause.  

In our work of raising dreams through our own projects and for our clients, we have the pleasure of witnessing this same type of ripple effect that results from having the right partners and sponsors, at the right time, for the right project or cause.

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