6 Ways to Find Sponsors, Build Corporate Partners, and Engage Champions for Your Book

6 Ways to Find Sponsors, Build Corporate Partners, and Engage Champions for Your Book

What if you could find sponsors and have other businesses pay for your book tour?

What if local businesses purchased your books in bulk for their clients to hand out at events or to gift to charitable organizations and people in need?

What if your book tour didn’t cost you more than the price of a grande latte?

One of the things we LOVE talking about is building a circle of corporate champions, partners, and sponsors… 

Professional speaker, bestselling author, and collaboration expert, Charmaine Hammond, has had books be optioned for movie rights, has presented to more than 400,000 people around the world, and has helped authors around the globe make their book a business.


Charmaine has applied her collaboration skills to secure sponsors, champions, and funding for things like:

  • Her clothing, accessories, and makeup
  • Printing of marketing materials (bookmarks, handouts, one-sheets, standing retractable banners, and more)
  • Her hairstyles, massages, and health products
  • Media and marketing
  • And more!

6 Tips to Find Sponsors and Create Champions for Your Book

Our six favourite tips for building a circle of champions and corporate partners are to:

1) Build relationships.

Relationships are key! Don’t ask people for support before you have a relationship with them. Find some common ground (such as mentioning them in your book, showing how your book relates to an audience that a business currently serves, or highlighting how your book appeals to an audience they would like to serve). 

2) Communicate clearly, often, and purposefully.

When you communicate without clarity, people will not understand what you are asking. Confusion generally results in a “no.” 

3) ASK for what you need.

People don’t know how to help you if you don’t ask. So many people keep their dreams to themselves. At Raise a Dream, we have seen many times that people (and businesses) love to get behind projects that matter. If they don't know about or understand your project (book, events, etc.), they won't see where they fit or how they can help.

4) Follow up and keep commitments.

Demonstrating dependability shows others that your project and book is important, and it models what you are like to work with (a commitment keeper, not a commitment breaker). 

5) Recognize partners and sponsors in meaningful ways.

Talk about your champions, partners, and sponsors in media, at events, and in conversation. Do shout-outs on social media (sponsors will love this). Be a champion for them!

6) Exceed expectations.

Always over-deliver… but make sure what you propose is doable. Don’t over-promise…

Tips for Talking to Book Launch Sponsors

After you start building relationships, here are a few tips for presenting your concept or project to a potential sponsor or partner:

  • Have a clear concept.
  • Be excited and passionate.
  • Practice your sound bytes.
  • Look for the reciprocity.
  • Do your research.
  • Plan and have a process.

Working in collaboration and with sponsors is a way to make a bigger impact. You are helping a sponsor at the same time they are helping you. 

If you need more information about how sponsorship works and how it can help authors, download the free 7-Step Model to Relationship Building with Sponsors ebook from our website. 
