Category Archives for "How to get sponsorship and business funding"

Sponsorship Terms & Language: 5 Phrases to Know

Sponsorship Terms & Language: 5 Phrases to Know

Sponsorship has its own language, and it is important to be aware of the correct sponsorship terms as you approach potential sponsors and collaboration partners. Using incorrect terminology when connecting with sponsors not only shows you haven’t done your research, it could also lead to quick “NOs.”

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Leave Behinds Can Help Prospective Sponsors

Leave Behinds Can Help Prospective Sponsors

Leave Behinds Can Help Prospective Sponsors
When you’re connecting with sponsors in person, a “leave behind” can take many forms such as a document, pamphlet, a gift, and the list goes on. The key to a leave behind that doesn’t get tossed is to ensure it is relevant to what you met about or discussed, professional, and has a call to action. Sponsorship decision-makers meet and talk to many people who are looking to engage them as partners and sponsors, so how do you compile and design leave behinds that stand out?

What to Include in Your Leave Behind:

The leave behind should NOT be a proposal, a deck of sponsorship levels, or an ask for money. It is more an information piece that helps a prospective partner remember who you are and what your project is about. You can introduce the idea that you’ll provide a leave behind as you’re getting to know prospective sponsors.
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Why Audience Data Impresses Sponsors

Why Audience Data Impresses Sponsors

Why Audience Data Impresses Sponsors
Knowing your audience well helps brand and collaboration partners & sponsors make their decisions on potential sponsorship and collaboration initiatives. To know your audience well, collecting helpful audience data and feedback is important. After all, sponsorship decision-makers want to ensure that the dreams you are raising and the projects you are bringing to life are a fit for their brand’s objectives and marketing goals.

Questions to help you better understand your audience...

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Fund Your Projects with Collaboration and Sponsorship

Fund Your Projects with Collaboration and Sponsorship

Fund Your Projects with Collaboration and Sponsorship

If you’re an entrepreneur, having big dreams to raise and bringing projects to life can be inspiring goals. But to fund your projects, you may run into challenges. In fact, lack of funding and support are often what smothers the dream from being brought to life. 

Collaboration and sponsorship could be the funding game changer. 

Think of collaboration as two or more people (or businesses) coming together to solve an issue they could not have otherwise solved on their own. This is why collaboration can help amplify messages, start movements and create a bigger impact. 

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Collaboration Through Matching Funds Campaigns

Collaboration Through Matching Funds Campaigns

Collaboration Through Matching Funds Campaigns
More and more, we are seeing businesses, philanthropists and funders collaborating on matching funds campaigns and impact investing.

Recently we read an article about an Ottawa-based philanthropist who created a matching fund campaign during the holiday season to raise much needed donations and funds for local nonprofit organizations and charities.

According to the article, Gary put out a challenge for businesses to match his contribution. The $100,000 he contributed quickly increased to $400,000 through the matching challenge he created.

You can read more about this campaign here.
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Collaborating To Stretch Funding & Impact

Collaborating To Stretch Funding & Impact

Collaborating To Stretch Funding & Impact
Now more than ever, we are hearing that granting organizations, funders, and sponsors are looking to nonprofit organizations, service clubs, and entrepreneurs to collaborate and partner where possible on their projects. In many cases, funders look to projects where there is no (or minimal) duplication of efforts and services. This allows funders to extend their range and stretch funding while also fostering a greater impact. 

This is not a new approach. 

More than 20 years ago (before I opened my businesses), I was a contract negotiation specialist for the government. I had a portfolio of funding that was provided to nonprofit organizations, for-profit businesses, and community groups to operate programs and services in the region. The funds supported a wide range of initiatives including early childhood education, parenting programs, community events, group homes, and women’s shelters to name a few. 

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3 Sponsorship Mistakes Sponsor Seekers Make and How to Avoid Them

3 Sponsorship Mistakes Sponsor Seekers Make and How to Avoid Them

3 Sponsorship Mistakes Sponsor Seekers Make and How to Avoid Them

In 2020, we had numerous opportunities to speak with sponsors from local, regional, and national businesses and brands. This online and virtual world we are living in with cancelled live events and the need to do business differently has also impacted sponsors and their ability to market their brands in ways they are accustomed to. 

We heard both challenges and opportunities in these conversations with sponsors. Besides getting to learn about the brands on a much deeper level and build relationships with them, we also were able to hear about some of the common sponsorship mistakes they see sponsor seekers making.

We thought this insider information and the useful insights below could be of benefit to you as you move forward with raising your dreams through collaboration and sponsorship. 

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6 Ways to Find Sponsors, Build Corporate Partners, and Engage Champions for Your Book

6 Ways to Find Sponsors, Build Corporate Partners, and Engage Champions for Your Book

6 Ways to Find Sponsors, Build Corporate Partners, and Engage Champions for Your Book

What if you could find sponsors and have other businesses pay for your book tour?

What if local businesses purchased your books in bulk for their clients to hand out at events or to gift to charitable organizations and people in need?

What if your book tour didn’t cost you more than the price of a grande latte?

One of the things we LOVE talking about is building a circle of corporate champions, partners, and sponsors… 

Professional speaker, bestselling author, and collaboration expert, Charmaine Hammond, has had books be optioned for movie rights, has presented to more than 400,000 people around the world, and has helped authors around the globe make their book a business.

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8 How to Find the Right Sponsorship Contact

How to Find the Right Sponsorship Contact

How to Find the Right Sponsorship Contact

Finding the sponsorship contact in charge of decisions for a particular brand can sometimes be a challenge.

That said, if you as the sponsor-seeker are willing to follow our 7-step collaboration and sponsorship model and invest a little time into sponsorship contact research, you will not only find the right person, you will likely impress them once you connect with them. 

Sponsorship decision-makers notice when you have spent some time learning about them before the call (checking out their website, social media, press releases, and media). 

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How to Use Collaboration to Overcome Funding Challenges

How to Use Collaboration to Overcome Funding Challenges

How to Use Collaboration to Overcome Funding Challenges

Spring is often a very busy time for organizations and entrepreneurs that receive government funding. ​Contracts may have come to a close on March 31st and new contracts (and funding) often start April 1st.

Unfortunately, it can be a stressful time if those in charge of funds and programs face the challenges that emerge upon learning that government funds may be clawed back or not approved. 

With these funding challenges in mind, it’s important to look for solutions, especially involving collaboration, to see if there are funding opportunities that are being overlooked.

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