Collaboration Through Matching Funds Campaigns

Collaboration Through Matching Funds Campaigns
More and more, we are seeing businesses, philanthropists and funders collaborating on matching funds campaigns and impact investing.

Recently we read an article about an Ottawa-based philanthropist who created a matching fund campaign during the holiday season to raise much needed donations and funds for local nonprofit organizations and charities.

According to the article, Gary put out a challenge for businesses to match his contribution. The $100,000 he contributed quickly increased to $400,000 through the matching challenge he created.

You can read more about this campaign here.


Examples of Matching Funds Campaigns:

From our own experience, we’ve seen...
  • One restaurant and bar challenged others in their local community to match the contribution of tips that the serving staff were donating to a local community organization. That restaurant accepted the challenge and then challenged another to do the same. Very quickly, many restaurants were on board to donate their tips on a specific day and match the challenge.
  • Over the years, I have participated on projects where a funder (e.g. government) would match the funds raised through fundraising and sponsorship. This is another avenue to explore.
  • Another example was an organization that worked with a number of sponsors so that for every $100 raised in a specific period of time, the sponsor company would match it.
  • One of my past sponsors did a one-day social campaign that for every share of the post (which was about the organization the fundraising would support), he would donate $2 to the charity. It raised awareness and funds for the organization. The next day, a different business did the same thing. The campaign was a great way to bring in business support and social media to create awareness, build community and raise funds.
As you move forward creating your fundraising, sponsorship and dream-raising plan, consider where there might be opportunity to work with your partners and supporting businesses to create matching challenges in their industry or sector.

How can you create your own version of matching challenges and campaigns for your upcoming projects?

Need help with your strategy and knowing which action steps to take? Why not book a strategy call with Charmaine.