Tag Archives for " building your speaking business "

Trends and Changes in Sponsorship That Are Helping Speakers

Trends and Changes in Sponsorship That Are Helping Speakers

Trends and Changes in Sponsorship That Are Helping Speakers

Sponsorship is one way that speakers and keynote presenters can grow their speaking business and revenue.

Sponsorship is not a gift or a handout; rather, a company provides sponsorship for specific return on investment (ROI). Because of this marketing relationship, speakers can helps sponsors highlight their brand, market their business to the audience in front of the speaker, and more.

Some exciting new trends and changes in the sponsorship world are emerging that speakers should be aware of.

There are many reports stating that brands are moving more into sponsorship and replacing traditional philanthropy budgets with sponsorship budgets.

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2 Get Sponsored by Corporations to Share Your Passion and Message

Get Sponsored by Corporations to Share Your Passion and Message

Get Sponsored by Corporations to Share Your Passion and Message

Speakers, trainers, keynote presenters, and seminar leaders... have you started growing your business through collaboration and sponsorship?

If not, now's the time to get started. There are billions of dollars available in corporate sponsorship, and your next presentation, speaking tour, book launch or philanthropic project could be uplevelled in income, impact, and influence through corporate sponsorship.

Recently, Charmaine led a mastermind session with speakers who have a successful speaking business and are committed to now building their speaking business through corporate sponsorship and collaborating with influencers.

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Sharing Stories to Build Sponsorship Relationships

Sharing Stories to Build Sponsorship and Business Relationships

Sharing Stories to Build Sponsorship Relationships

I recently heard colleague and speaker, Karen McGregor, say something about speaking that also translates into the collaboration and sponsorship world.

She said, "One of the mistakes is that speakers don't understand what the audience is buying, e.g. transformation or the ability/skills to get over a problem. You can help them understand this through stories. You must share stories."

So how does the need to share stories relate to getting your projects funded, securing sponsorship dollars, attracting people to support your crowdfund, or turning prospects into contracts?

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Get Paid to Speak: How corporate sponsorship can help you generate more income and impact

Get Paid to Speak

Get Paid to Speak: How corporate sponsorship can help you generate more income and impact

Getting paid to speak is often a challenge that we hear about from speakers.

When conference organizers have no or low budgets, speakers feel their expertise is not valued. They often have their fee negotiated to next to nothing.

Thankfully, there are many strategies to overcome this challenge. Speakers CAN be paid to speak!

In this article, we'll explore how collaborating with companies and corporate sponsors can bring you your full speaking fee, plus more.

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Sponsorship for Speakers Made Easy!

Sponsorship for Speakers Made Easy!

Sponsorship for Speakers Made Easy!

For speakers, keynoters, and seminar leaders who are serious about growing their speaking business through collaboration, sponsorship funds, and influence, one the first few things you must have clarity around is the value that you bring to the sponsor (and their audience).

Clarifying the Speaker/Sponsor Relationship:

When corporate sponsors invest time, in-kind contributions, and sponsorship funding or dollars into your big dreams and projects, they are looking to get return on investment.

You see, sponsorship is a marketing relationship where the sponsor is helping you (e.g. contributing cash and other resources or products to your projects), but you are also helping them.

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Collaboration for Social Good: How Collaboration Can Build a Business and Influence Global Change


​Life as an entrepreneur can be lonely at times. It doesn’t have to be that way!

When you collaborate, build powerful business relationships, and expand your community influence, opportunities to make a difference (and get paid) doing what you love will show up.

At Raise a Dream, we always say, "It takes a team to raise a dream." Collaboration and partnering in business and community projects is one important key to success and are great ways for entrepreneurs to expand and grow their influence and increase their profile and their profits.

Charmaine has had the pleasure of speaking for many Rotary Clubs across North America, including Burnaby and New Westminster, BC. Speaking at Rotary Clubs is part of the Raise a Dream’s community and collaboration building strategy.  

Rotary International and their global chapters are great examples of what collaboration and partnering towards social good looks like in action. In fact, Rotary unites more than one million people around the world. The Rotary International website states, "Rotary is where neighbors, friends, and problem-solvers share ideas, join leaders, and take action to create lasting change."  What a wonderful mission.

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