Collaboration Foundations: Setting Them Up Right

Collaboration Foundations: Setting Them Up Right

Collaboration Foundations: Setting Them Up Right

Collaboration foundations are rooted in relationships, trust, and common visions. Often dream-raisers first pursue collaboration with people they don’t know. While this can work, the easiest place to start is with the relationships you have already.

How many people do you think you are connected to? Think personally… In your circle, you may have…

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Neighbors
  • Doctor(s) & health practitioners
  • Financial planner
  • Hair stylist
  • People in clubs or groups you belong to or volunteer for (hobbies, sports, classes, associations, etc.)
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Storyay - Every Child Deserves a Story That’s Truly Theirs

Community Spotlight: Storyay - Every Child Deserves a Story That’s Truly Theirs

Storyay - Every Child Deserves a Story That’s Truly Theirs - Storyay Team

Photo Credit: Storyay Inc. | Storyay Team (Chris, Lance and Sara)

Raise a Dream is delighted to share the journey and feature a community spotlight story of one of our Raise a Dream community dream-raisers—the Storyay team!

You’ve likely heard Raise a Dream say things like, “It takes a team to raise your dream,” or “Teamwork is what makes the big dreams work,” or “If it's not fun, it won’t get done.” Storyay has the dream team, a big vision, and a project that can make a positive difference for children and families. 

You Are Probably Wondering… What is Storyay?

As a children’s author myself, I am passionate about nurturing literacy, reducing screen time, and creating interactive learning experiences. 

Let’s dive into that.
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Sponsorship Terms & Language: 5 Phrases to Know

Sponsorship Terms & Language: 5 Phrases to Know

Sponsorship has its own language, and it is important to be aware of the correct sponsorship terms as you approach potential sponsors and collaboration partners. Using incorrect terminology when connecting with sponsors not only shows you haven’t done your research, it could also lead to quick “NOs.”

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Speaker One-Sheets Are Still a Thing

Speaker One-Sheets Are Still a Thing

Speaker One-Sheets Are Still a Thing
As a professional speaker having presented to more than ½ million people around the globe, I can safely say I have tried many different speaker strategies and marketing approaches. One marketing tool I continue to use are my speaker one-sheets.


A speaker one-sheet is a quick glance summary of my expertise, topics, and information that professional event planners and conference organizers can refer to in their search for right-fit speakers for their events.
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Event Swag Bags: To Swag or Not to Swag…

Event Swag Bags: To Swag or Not to Swag…

Event Swag Bags: To Swag or Not to Swag…

“Are we doing swag bags again?” is a question that many entrepreneurs, businesses, and nonprofit event coordinators are asking themselves when it comes to event strategies. Some are bringing bags back and others are a “heck no!” 

Let’s look at the pros and cons I hear from event organizers and sponsors AND what I see as a speaker receiving many swag bags over the past 25+ years of speaking at conferences, events, and corporate functions.

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Collaborating To Help Parents Of Children With Cancer: Laura Lane

Collaborating To Help Parents Of Children With Cancer: Laura Lane

Collaborating To Help Parents Of Children With Cancer: Laura Lane

I love sharing Laura Lane’s story, especially in September, which is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Laura has a beautiful and powerful dream she is raising, and collaboration and sponsorship are helping her fuel the dream and make a bigger impact. Laura has been collaborating to help parents of children with cancer through a special planner called Stronger Daily Planner for Cancer Moms. Based on her experience as a parent of a child with cancer, she wanted to help other parents navigate this incredibly stressful, overwhelming, and emotional journey. This planner helps parents do this. 

The Stronger Daily Planner for Cancer Moms is a daily / weekly / monthly tracker for all things childhood cancer related. It includes a recommended resource section, helpful tips from other cancer moms, and inspirational quotes. Please check it out HERE; it’s a great way to show your support during National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
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