Tag Archives for " connecting with sponsors "

Sponsorship Terms & Language: 5 Phrases to Know

Sponsorship Terms & Language: 5 Phrases to Know

Sponsorship has its own language, and it is important to be aware of the correct sponsorship terms as you approach potential sponsors and collaboration partners. Using incorrect terminology when connecting with sponsors not only shows you haven’t done your research, it could also lead to quick “NOs.”

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Leave Behinds Can Help Prospective Sponsors

Leave Behinds Can Help Prospective Sponsors

Leave Behinds Can Help Prospective Sponsors
When you’re connecting with sponsors in person, a “leave behind” can take many forms such as a document, pamphlet, a gift, and the list goes on. The key to a leave behind that doesn’t get tossed is to ensure it is relevant to what you met about or discussed, professional, and has a call to action. Sponsorship decision-makers meet and talk to many people who are looking to engage them as partners and sponsors, so how do you compile and design leave behinds that stand out?

What to Include in Your Leave Behind:

The leave behind should NOT be a proposal, a deck of sponsorship levels, or an ask for money. It is more an information piece that helps a prospective partner remember who you are and what your project is about. You can introduce the idea that you’ll provide a leave behind as you’re getting to know prospective sponsors.
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3 Reasons Not to Use AI for Sponsorship Proposals

3 Reasons NOT to Use AI for Sponsorship Proposals

3 Reasons Not to Use AI for Sponsorship Proposals

So many people have jumped on the AI train using ChatGPT to write books in no time at all, create their marketing materials, write blogs, write website copy, and more… Unfortunately, they’re also using AI to develop grant and sponsorship proposals. 

I understand the appeal for people to save time and get things done quickly, but sponsors want to work with YOU (not an AI bot). 
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Dream Raiser Fatigue

Dream Raiser Fatigue

Dream Raiser Fatigue
Raising dreams takes a team. Whether it is planning an event; launching a project or product; or finding right-fit partners, champions, or sponsors… your efforts require collaboration, and sometimes a lot of it. We meet many entrepreneurs and nonprofit organizations who actually have developed dream raiser fatigue!

Dream raiser fatigue... Is that a thing?  

...YES, according to many nonprofits, community organizations, and entrepreneurs. They have shared that the past couple of years have created challenges with volunteerism, fundraising, and donor relationships. The pivoting and steps needed to raise big dreams and projects have consumed people’s time and energy.

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Turning Sponsorship Objections Into Opportunities

Turning Sponsorship Objections Into Opportunities

One of our Dream Raisers did a great social media share about the objections, internal chatter, and “noise” he had in his head that prevented him from doing the ASK for support or sponsorship funds.

Importantly, he did not listen to the noise but instead he stepped out of his comfort zone, did the ask, and the sponsor happily supported his project, again.

Typically, it’s fear of objections that paralyzes potential. That noise and internal chatter can prevent dreams from getting raised unless you do as he did: embrace the discomfort.

Remember it is always a NO unless you ask, and what if the answer is a YES?

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Sharing Stories to Build Sponsorship Relationships

Sharing Stories to Build Sponsorship and Business Relationships

Sharing Stories to Build Sponsorship Relationships

I recently heard colleague and speaker, Karen McGregor, say something about speaking that also translates into the collaboration and sponsorship world.

She said, "One of the mistakes is that speakers don't understand what the audience is buying, e.g. transformation or the ability/skills to get over a problem. You can help them understand this through stories. You must share stories."

So how does the need to share stories relate to getting your projects funded, securing sponsorship dollars, attracting people to support your crowdfund, or turning prospects into contracts?

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Get Paid to Speak: How corporate sponsorship can help you generate more income and impact

Get Paid to Speak

Get Paid to Speak: How corporate sponsorship can help you generate more income and impact

Getting paid to speak is often a challenge that we hear about from speakers.

When conference organizers have no or low budgets, speakers feel their expertise is not valued. They often have their fee negotiated to next to nothing.

Thankfully, there are many strategies to overcome this challenge. Speakers CAN be paid to speak!

In this article, we'll explore how collaborating with companies and corporate sponsors can bring you your full speaking fee, plus more.

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Sponsor Spotlight Checklist How to Recognize Sponsors and Partners at Events So They Say YES to Multi-Year Sponsorship Funding

Sponsor Spotlight Checklist: How to Recognize Sponsors at Events

Sponsor Spotlight Checklist: How to Recognize Sponsors and Partners at Events So They Say YES to Multi-Year Sponsorship Funding!
  • ​Are you a speaker who speaks at events and conferences that have sponsors?
  • Are you an event host or event planning professional?
  • Do you host events, conferences, mastermind, masterclasses, retreats, or trade shows?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, this article and checklist is for you!

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Collaboration: Why Sponsors & Funders Want You To Partner on Projects

Collaboration: Why Sponsors & Funders Want You To Partner on Projects

Collaboration: Why Sponsors & Funders Want You To Partner on Projects

There are many desirable benefits of collaboration... Projects and dreams get launched faster when people come together with common goals, risk is reduced when responsibility is shared, and there are more ways to engage and recognize sponsors. Overall, the end result of any dream raised through collaboration and partnership can be much bigger and better than you may have achieved on your own.

Commonly, collaborative projects are often referred to as alliances, coalitions, partnerships, and networks. Working as teams or units provides the potential or ability to tackle and address challenging problems with innovative solutions.

Sponsors (and funding organizations) are more often encouraging (and in some cases requiring) collaboration as a way of reducing duplication of services, reducing risk, increasing results, and improving sustainability (you can read more here).  

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1 7 Great Questions to Ask a Sponsor During a Discovery Call

Discovery Call: 7 Great Questions to Ask a Sponsor

7 Great Questions to Ask a Sponsor During Discovery Calls

When you understand that building sponsorship relationships is about marketing needs (and not asking for handouts), you learn to approach each step of the partner relationship building process differently, especially when it comes to the (...gulp...) discovery call!

Discovery calls are often the step in the collaboration and relationship process many speakers, authors, and entrepreneurs feel most apprehensive about.

So today, we’re bringing you 7 valuable tips and great questions to ask sponsors to help pinpoint their marketing needs.

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